Expert Advice
Our technical department has an in-depth specialist knowledge in the construction industry, and is able to design solutions to meet your specific requirements.
Assistance can range from simple guidance or advice on standard product selection to a fully computerised design service and detailed consultations on incorporating special designs.
Everything is covered by our comprehensive indemnities and insurance warranties, so you have complete confidence in all our products and designs.
Wincro is able to re-specify its products in lieu of other manufacturers’ products. Full technical assistance and supporting information is provided as necessary.
Detailed Design Proposals
Wincro’s Technical Design team is always on hand to provide value-engineered solutions, and our experienced staff will advise on the most cost effective design for any given situation.
We are available to work with the clients design team to develop detailed design proposals, supported by design calculations, specification clauses and comprehensive working details or drawings as required.
Our Technical Design team is also available to provide assistance at any stage of the design process and are available to attend office or site meetings as required.